
全星历模型下拟Halo轨道设计 被引量:1

Quasi Halo Orbit Design in Full Ephemeris Model
摘要 本文给出了全星历模型下适用于地月系统和日地系统的拟Halo轨道的设计方法。设计过程以限制三体模型下Halo轨道作为初值并以多点并行打靶法求解全星历模型下拟Halo轨道。采用多点并行打靶法中给出了一类新的可行约束条件,在数值仿真算例中,地月和日地系统L2点附近4圈目标拟Halo轨道均在分钟量级时间内收敛,表明了算法的有效性。 A method of designing the quasi Halo orbits in the full ephemeris model,which can be applied in both the earth-moon system and sun-earth system,is presented.In the design process,a Halo orbit designed in the restricted three-body model is taken as initial guess,and then a multiple shooting method is used to design in the full ephemeris model.A new feasible constraint condition is given.By numerical simulations,the quasi Halo orbits with four circles are both obtained about one minute for the earth-moon system and sun-earth system respectively, showing the effectiveness of the present algorithm.
出处 《深空探测学报》 2015年第4期333-337,共5页 Journal Of Deep Space Exploration
关键词 全星历模型 打靶法 HALO轨道 轨道设计 full ephemeris model shooting method Halo orbit orbit design
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