
井下钻具动力学参数测试技术进展 被引量:5

Advances in Kinetic Parameter Measurement Technology for Downhole Drilling Tool
摘要 为深入了解钻井系统对启动旋转、钻进过程、参数修正、钻机升沉、BHA 组件不平衡和钻头与地层相互作用等激励源的响应, 研究开发了井下钻具动力学参数测试技术.该技术利用最新研发的测试工具可测量包括力、加速度、转速、压力和温度等实时信息, 还可记录频率为50~2 000 Hz 之间连续数据的长持续时间.通过对高频数据长持续时间的解释分析, 有助于理解各种振动模式间转变发生的方式和驱动因素, 在此基础上, 可以优化BHA 设计、钻头优选以及研究新型钻井工艺、井下工具和涡动识别算法, 以避免或缓解涡动的发生, 从而改善钻井性能, 提高钻井效率, 防止井下事故, 提高井眼质量; 实时测量数据还有助于由于涡动而施加在井下工具上的载荷分析, 这对预测井下工具寿命和制定措施极为有利.最后建议开展新型井下钻具动力学参数测试技术研究, 从而为我国深井、超深井及深水钻井提速提效提供有效的技术支撑和手段. To gain in-depth understanding of the drilling system response to the rotation starting, drilling process, parameter modification as well as the rig heaving motion, BHA components imbalance and bit interaction with the formation, a kinetic parameter measurement technology has been researched and developed. The technolo-gy, by using a newly developed measurement tool, could measure real-time information include force, accelera-tion, speed, pressure and temperature, as well as records the long duration of continuous data with the frequency of between 50 and 2 000 Hz. Interpretation and analysis of high frequency data long duration can contribute to un-derstanding the way and drives of transformation between various modes of vibration. On this basis, BHA design op-timization, bit optimization as well as research of new drilling technology, downhole tools and whirl recognition al-gorithms could be done to avoid or mitigate the occurrence of whirl so that to improve drilling performance, increase drilling efficiency, prevent downhole accidents and improve the quality of the wellbore. The real-time measurement data could also analyze the load on the downhole tool by whirl, which is greatly beneficial for prediction of down-hole tool life and developing measures. Studies on new downhole drilling tool kinetic parameters measurement tech-nology are recommended to provide effective technical support and tool for domestic drilling speed and efficiency promotion of deep well, ultra-deep well and deepwater well.
出处 《石油机械》 2015年第12期7-14,共8页 China Petroleum Machinery
基金 国家863计划项目"CO2驱油和封存体系的经济评价技术研究"(2009AA063407) 国家社会科学基金重大项目"基于中国石油安全视角的海外油气资源接替战略研究"(11&ZD164)
关键词 井下钻具 井下振动 动力学参数测试工具 建议 downhole drilling tool downhole vibration kinetic parameter measurement tool recommendation
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