
关税内生化理论:一个理论梳理与评价 被引量:1

Endogenous Tariff Theory: a Critical Review
摘要 关税内生化理论,是自20世纪70年代中期国际贸易理论最新最重要的发展成果。与主流贸易理论不同,它主张将政治因素作为贸易政策决策模型中的内生变量,考虑利益集团与政府之间利益博弈对贸易政策的影响。除了经济因素外,政治因素变化对贸易政策的形成也具有决定性作用,政治因素而非纯粹经济因素是导致当今世界各国偏好于选择贸易干预政策的主要原因,为贸易干预政策长期存在的合理性提供了较强的理论解释力。 Endogenous Tariff Theory is the latest and most important outcome of international trade theory since the 1970s of the 20th century. Different from the mainstream trade theory, it claims to in- tegrate political elements into the models of trade policy decision and views them as their endogenous factors, mainly by considering the effect of the game-play between interest groups and government on trade policy. Except for economic elements, political elements also have a decisive influence on the for- mation of trade policy. Political rather than mere economic elements are the main reason for countries to prefer the trade intervention policy in the world. It provides a reasonable and more powerful explanation to the persistent existence of trade intervention.
作者 张国红
出处 《海关与经贸研究》 2015年第6期102-111,共10页 Journal of Customs and Trade
基金 上海市教育委员会科研创新重点项目--<关税理论:历史演进 背景变迁及应用研究>(项目编号:13ZZ145)
关键词 关税内生化理论 贸易干预 自由贸易 利益集团 Endogenous Tariff Theory Trade Intervention Free Trade Interest Group
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