

Oil and Gas Situation that Venezuela Faces, and Oil and Gas Cooperation between China and Venezuela
摘要 2014年下半年以来的低油价,使高度依赖石油出口的委内瑞拉遭受重创,造成委内瑞拉石油出口收益减少,财政压力和社会动荡风险加大,石油产量下降,油气勘探开发投入不足。尽管当前委内瑞拉国内形势严峻,但中委具有良好的油气合作基础,今后仍有较大合作空间。我国应抓住低油价机遇,密切关注委内瑞拉油气行业信息,做好风险防范,建立预警和防控预案,适时增加中委联合融资基金规模,加强双方技术交流和人才培养,不断深化与委内瑞拉的能源合作。 Since the second half of 2014, the low oil price has made Venezuelasuffer a serious defeat, because Venezuela is highly dependent on oil exports. As a result, oil-export earnings in Venezuela have been decreased with greater fiscal pressureand social unrest risks. At the same time, oil and gas exploration and development investment is insufficient so that the oil production has dropped.This paper points out that despite the domestic situation that Venezuela faces is grim,with good oil and gas cooperation basis, there is still a big cooperation space in the future between China and Venezuela. In light of this, we should seize the low oil price opportunity, pay close attention to the oil and gas industry information of Venezuela,guard against the risks. On this basis, we should establish early warning and control plan, timely increase bilateral co-financing fund size, enhance efforts to technological exchange and personnel training, and continue to deepen energy cooperation with Venezuela.
出处 《中国国土资源经济》 2015年第11期36-39,共4页 Natural Resource Economics of China
关键词 委内瑞拉 油气资源 形势 合作展望 Venezuela oil and gas resources situation cooperation prospect
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