

Frequent Pattern Mining from Uncertain Data
摘要 不确定数据中的频繁模式挖掘是一个重要的研究内容,它也是很多研究工作的基础.确定数据中的许多经典的频繁模式挖掘算法都可以扩展到不确定数据中,这些算法需要把确定数据中的支持度改为期望支持度,来实现对不确定数据中频繁模式的挖掘. Mining frequent patterns in uncertain data is a very important research field. And it is the base of many other research works. Many classical algorithms of mining frequent patterns from certain data can be extended to the uncertain datasets. However,the support in certain data must be changed. In uncertain data,the expected support is used to mine frequent patterns instead of support.
作者 陈凤娟
出处 《白城师范学院学报》 2016年第5期59-62,共4页 Journal of Baicheng Normal University
关键词 不确定数据 频繁模式 期望支持度 uncertain data frequent pattern expected support
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