
全球贸易新常态与中国外贸发展新策略 被引量:25

New Normal of Global Trade and New Strategies of China's Foreign Trade Development
摘要 全球金融危机以来,世界经济发生深刻调整,全球贸易也随之呈现出增速显著放缓等一系列新的重要变化。这些变化并非一时状态,因而可以称之为全球贸易"新常态"。全球贸易新常态虽然会对中国外贸发展产生较大冲击,但也将为其转型升级与提质增效带来新的战略机遇,诸如全球资产价值低估、助力人民币贸易圈形成、从边缘配套走向中心主导、从加工贸易转向附加值贸易等。为此,中国应趋利避害、顺势而为,通过实施进口平衡新战略、构建人民币贸易圈、引领国际贸易投资新规则、提升贸易附加值等外贸发展新策略,推动"十三五"时期中国从外贸大国迈向贸易强国。 The global trade has presented a series of changes such as slowdown with the profound adjustments of the world economy since the global financial crisis. These changes will last for a long time. Therefore, we could call them "new normal" of global trade. While the new normal will have a strong impact on the development of China's foreign trade, it will also offer many new strategic opportunities for China to pursue the structural transformation and upgrading of its foreign trade development, such as the under-value of global asset, facilitation of the forming of RMB trade circle, and the transition from the role of marginal support to central dominance, and the transformation from processing trade to that with high added value. China should grasp the favorable and avoid the unfavorable, so as to help China to develop from a foreign trade giant to a strong trade power through a series of new development strategies, such as the implementation of balanced import strategy, the forming of RMB trade circle, taking a leading role in formulating new rules of international trade and investment, and promoting the added value of trade.
出处 《中共中央党校学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期77-84,共8页 Journal of The Party School of The Central Committee of The C.T.C
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"企业异质性与中国出口市场多元化研究"(12CGJ026) 北京市社会科学基金项目"对外直接投资对北京产业结构升级的影响效应与发展对策研究"(15JGB129) 北京市社会科学界联合会青年社科人才资助项目"‘一带一路’与中国出口市场多元化发展研究"(2015SKL023)
关键词 全球贸易新常态 危中之机 中国外贸发展新策略 人民币贸易圈 贸易附加值 New Normal of Global Trade Opportunities in Crisis New Strategies of China's Foreign Trade Development The RMB Trade Circle The Added Value of Trade
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