
Combining upper limits with a Bayesian approach

Combining upper limits with a Bayesian approach
摘要 We discuss how to determine and combine upper limits based on observed events and estimated back- grounds with a Bayesian method, when insignificant signals are observed in independent measurements. In addition to some general features deduced from the analytical formulae, systematic numerical results are obtained by a C++ program (CULBA) for low-count experiments, which can be used as a reference to combine two upper limits. We discuss how to determine and combine upper limits based on observed events and estimated back- grounds with a Bayesian method, when insignificant signals are observed in independent measurements. In addition to some general features deduced from the analytical formulae, systematic numerical results are obtained by a C++ program (CULBA) for low-count experiments, which can be used as a reference to combine two upper limits.
出处 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第12期13-18,共6页 中国物理C(英文版)
基金 Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)(11005115),Joint Funds of the NSFC and Chinese Academia Sinica's Big Scientific Apparatus(U1232109)
关键词 upper limit Bayesian method combine results upper limit, Bayesian method, combine results
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