
"Collapse" of Europe in the Light of Energy Dependence

"Collapse" of Europe in the Light of Energy Dependence
摘要 The issue of the future of Europe is becoming increasingly important what with the depth of the economic crisis that started in 2008. In addition to a continuous growth in the number of the unemployed, the crisis particularly emphasizes the chronic level of energy dependence. The energy saving measures ~energy efficiency), diversification of sources (stability of supply), and the creation of substitutes in renewable energy (energy transition), intertwine with administrative measures and form the response of European countries to the growing energy dependence. At the same time, although facing the threatening warming (or cooling) of the Earth, Europe, as a big advocate of reducing CO2 remains passively dependent on NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) policy in the field of defense in the context of energy dependence. However, for the first time after many decades, Europe and America do not have the same energy, and consequently geo-strategic objective: The US has become energy independent while Europe is chronically energy dependent.
机构地区 ATOS Juris
出处 《Sociology Study》 2015年第7期592-604,共13页
关键词 Energy transition energy security energy dependence climate change DEFENCE 能源效率 欧洲国家 北大西洋公约组织 能量转换 可再生能源 经济危机 节能措施 资金来源
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