第二军医大学在本科护理教育改革中 ,采用“四合一”毕业考评 ,即临床护理学理论考试 (占40 % )、护理专业技能考核 (占 30 % )、文献综述与开题报告 (占 15 % )、临床护理学课程授课 (占 15 % ) ,对本校九六级护理本科生的毕业考核进行实施与评估分析。结果表明“四合一”毕业考评客观、公正、可行 。
Practice and analysis have been done on the effects of graduation assessment reform for the undergraduate nurse students (Grade 1996) of Second Military Medical University.The graduation assessment reform is to implement a newly made '4 in 1' plan. The plan includes an examination of clinic nursing (account for 40%), an evaluation of the nursing professional technology (account for 30%), a literature review and a special reports (account for 15%),classroom teaching of clinic nursing (account for 15%). This newly-made '4 in 1' assessment plan is objective,judicial and feasible,which can more effectively reflect the educational goal and the integrate quality of nurse students in this university.
China Higher Medical Education