
基于量子遗传算法的航空通信频率动态分配 被引量:6

Dynamic Aeronautical Communication Frequency Assignment Based on Quantum Genetic Algorithm
摘要 为了更加有效地对航空通信频率进行分配,提出了一种基于量子遗传算法的航空通信频率动态分配方法。通过对频率动态分配思路进行分析,建立了频率动态分配框架,给出了频率动态分配的具体流程。在此基础上,讨论了航空通信频率动态分配问题,定义了航空通信频率动态分配约束条件,建立了航空通信频率动态分配模型。最后,运用量子遗传算法和遗传算法对算例进行仿真对比。结果表明:量子遗传算法在种群适应度和收敛速度上具备明显的优越性,频率动态分配模型能够根据不同种群数量条件动态调整适应度,能够较好满足航空通信频率分配问题动态性、准确性、时效性等实践运用要求。 For more efficient aeronautical communication frequency assignment,a method for dynamic aero-nautical communication frequency assignment based on quantum genetic algorithm ( QGA ) is proposed. Through analyzing the thought of dynamic frequency assignment,the architecture of dynamic frequency as-signment is constructed,then a flow chart for it is given. On this basis,the dynamic aeronautical communi-cation frequency assignment problems are discussed,the constraint condition for dynamic frequency assign-ment is defined,and then the dynamic aeronautical communication frequency assignment model is estab-lished. Finally, the QGA and genetic algorithm( GA) are used to simulate the same examples and the re-sult shows that the QGA has more advantages in population fitness and convergence rate,and the dynamic frequency assignment model can dynamically adjust fitness under the condition of different populations. The method meets the practice and application requirements of dynamics,accuracy and timeliness for aero-nautical communication frequency assignment.
出处 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2015年第12期1311-1317,共7页 Telecommunication Engineering
基金 国家社科基金暨军事学资助课题(12GJ003-130) 全军军事学研究生资助课题(2013JY-505)~~
关键词 航空通信 频率动态分配 量子遗传算法 aeronautical communication dynamic frequency assignment quantum genetic algorithm
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