
社会转型视域下公司法功能之探析——一种经济学维度内的解释 被引量:1

Analysis of the Function of the Company Law from the perspective of Social Transformation-an Interpretation of Economics
摘要 公司法功能的分析离不开经济视域内的理性分析。从经济维度来阐述公司与公司法功能的历史嬗变,可以发现公司法功能在不同的历史时期有着不同的经济解释。传统工业社会下公司法功能在经济上通常解释为保障公司的合约履行。而在风险多样化与复杂化的现代社会中,公司法的功能已经悄然地发生了根本性的变化:公司组织的本质应当为"资产分割"。公司法通过引入"资产分割"理论,不仅可以实现公司资产独立和公司资产的优化组合,而且有利于建立起一个以资产分割为核心的动态风险防范体系,防止公司资产流失风险的出现,进而保障投资者在公司中的利益。 Analysis of the function of the company law is inseparable from rational analysis of the field of economics. If we explain the historical evolution of company and the function of the company law from the economic dimension,wemay find that there have been different economic interpretations about the function of the company law in different histori-cal periods. In the traditional industrial society,the function of the company law is usually interpreted in economics asone that protects companies to fulfill their contracts. However,in the modern society,where risks are diversified andcomplex,the function of the company law has fundamentally changed:the nature of company should be'asset partition-ing'. Through this theory,the company law can not only achieve the independence and optimal combination of the corpo-rate assets by means of asset partitioning,but also establish a dynamic risk-prevention system around the asset partition-ing to avoid loss of assets and protect the legitimate interests of investors.
作者 刘斌 俞灵灵
出处 《江汉大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第5期56-62,126,共7页 Journal of Jianghan University(Social Science Edition)
基金 浙江省产业发展政策研究中心和浙江省标准化与知识产权管理人文基地资助项目"民营企业知识产权保护与发展问题研究"(SIPM3229)
关键词 公司 公司法的功能 合约理论 资产分割 company the functions of the company law contract theory asset partitioning
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