Objective Study the usage of Chinese traditional processed products to provide reference for clinical medication usage. Methods Analyze database about the preparation and usage of processed products recorded in hospital computer management system from August 2014 until April 2015, by using the excel sheet and identify unreasonable usages. Results The raw decoction pieces are the most stored, accounting for 68.92% within the whole prepared pieces, and concerning about the utilization rate of raw decoction pieces is accounting for 68.88% within the whole kinds of storage, regarding of the irrational use of processed products, the improper use rate of raw pieces and fried pieces is 33.33%, the improper use rate of raw pieces and honey roast products is 25.00%, the improper use rate of raw pieces and bran fried pieces is 25.00%. Conclusion Clinicians should pay attention to the reasonable application of Chinese traditional processed products, to maxi-mize the clinical curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine into full play.
China Health Industry
Traditional Chinese processed products
Clinical application
Rational analysis