The design of the institution of legal act in the title on General Principles of the Chinese Civil Code, whether in terms of institutional structure or in terms of the formulation of concrete provi- sions, is of absolute core value to the macro-function of the Chinese civil law. The concept of legal act is based on the legal thinking about the right of civil subjects to choose and decide their own rights, obligations, even legal responsibilities, established since the Humanism Movements. The principle of the autonomy of will, established according to this legal thinking, plays a decisive role in the determi- nation of the overall structure and the concrete institution of legal act. The main deficiency in the cur- rent Chinese legal theory with respect to the acceptance of the theory of legal act lies exactly in its failure to accept in a thorough and complete way the ideological basis of the institution of legal act, which leads to the failure of the current legislation to embody in a thorough and complete way the the- ory of legal act in the design of the overall system and concrete legal provisions. For example, the current Chinese legislation recognizes only the legal-act basis of the right of claim, but not that of the right of control, in the division between the right of control and the right of claim, which are the basic rights in civil law, and it fails to accept the legal -act basis of modern personal relations. The article puts forward suggestions on the construction of the institution of legal act in the General Principles of the Chinese Civil Code with a view to remedying the defects in the current legislation.
Chinese Journal of Law
Civil Code, General Principles of Civil Law, legal act, autonomy of will, act of debt,act of disposition