
侦查讯问录音录像制度的功能定位及发展路径 被引量:53

Functional Orientation and Development Approaches of the System of Audio-video Recording of Investigative Interrogation
摘要 从历史沿革和立法意图看,2012年刑事诉讼法增设侦查讯问录音录像制度的目的在于规范侦查讯问行为,防止刑讯逼供;证明讯问过程的合法性;客观记录审讯内容,保障讯问笔录的公信力和确定力,防止翻供。基于决定主体的不同以及录音录像口供功能的有无,不同国家和地区讯问录音录像的制度模式可以分为权利保障型和权力主导型。权利保障模式更加尊重犯罪嫌疑人的沉默自由和自主选择录音录像的权利,在此模式下,被讯问人供述的自愿性以及肖像权、隐私权等得到充分保障,录音录像具有口供功能。权力主导模式以规制侦查讯问行为为目标,赋予侦查讯问方录音录像的决定权,犯罪嫌疑人一旦放弃沉默往往会被强制录音录像,其供述自由和肖像权、隐私权等权益面临被侵害的风险,录音录像的口供功能被弱化。因亲缘于权力主导模式,加之我国的侦查讯问环境,我国讯问录音录像的口供功能难以发挥,所以有必要向权利保障模式转型,实现其功能的多元化。 From the perspectives of history and legislative interpretation, the purposes of establishing the system of audio-video recording of investigative interrogation in the newly amended Criminal Pro- cedure Law of China are to regulate investigative interrogation so as to prevent torture, to prove the le- gality of the process of interrogation, and to record the content of interrogation objectively so as to safeguard the public trust in and the certainty of interrogation records and prevent criminal suspects from withdrawing their confessions. From perspective of comparative law and in light of the differences in the subjects of decision and whether audio-video recordings can have the function of a confession, audio-video recording mode in different countries and regions can be divided into two categories, i. e. rights protection-oriented and power-oriented. Under the rights protection-oriented mode, more impor- tance is attached to protecting various rights of the suspect, such as the right of silence, the freedom to choose whether or not to audio-video record the interrogation, the rights of voluntary confession, the right of portrait, the right of privacy, etc. and, therefore, audio-video recordings can be regarded as confessions. The power-oriented mode aims to regulate the interrogation and empowers interrogators to decide whether or not to make audio-video recordings of the interrogation. Under this mode, the sus- pect, once gives up the privilege of silence, will be forced to face the fact that his confession would be recorded by audio-video methods. As a result, the suspect' s rights of voluntary confession, rights of portrait, etc. are at the risk of being violated, and the function of audio-video recordings of interroga- tion as confession is weak. A transition from power-oriented mode to rights protection-oriented one is needed in order to realize the multiple functions of audio-video recording system in China.
作者 董坤
出处 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期156-173,共18页 Chinese Journal of Law
基金 2014年度司法部国家法治与法学理论研究课题"讯问录音录像理论及实践问题研究"(14SFB30022)的研究成果
关键词 侦查讯问录音录像 权利保障模式 权力主导模式 audio-video recordings of investigative interrogation, rights protection-oriented mode,power-oriented mode
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