
不同机载电子干扰条件下的飞机敏感性模型 被引量:12

Generic model of aircraft susceptibility to different airborne electronic counter measures
摘要 对典型作战场景中雷达制导导弹威胁下的飞机敏感性进行了研究,分别从导弹发射和命中2个方面,建立了远距离支援干扰(SOJ)和自卫干扰(SPJ)条件下的飞机敏感性模型。首先分析了在典型电子对抗措施(ECM)和电子抗干扰措施(ECCM)条件下的雷达探测距离;其次提出了用于评价欺骗干扰的有效时间模型,结合典型制导律,建立了不同干扰条件下导弹命中分析的仿真模型;最后对不同干扰条件下的飞机敏感性进行了仿真实验。结果表明:电子干扰一定程度上能够降低非隐身战机的敏感性,但是对于低雷达散射截面(RCS)或者采用先进抗干扰措施的武器系统而言,电子干扰对飞机敏感性降低的作用有限甚至有害。研究结果对现役飞机通过电子干扰降低敏感性以及对在研飞机的敏感性设计具有一定的参考意义。 In this paper we assess the aircraft susceptibility to radar-guided missiles in the typical battle scenario and build a generic model to assess the aircraft susceptibility under the conditions of different airborne electronic counter measures(ECM),including the stand-off jamming(SOJ)and self-protection jamming(SPJ).Firstly we analyze the detection range in the cases of typical ECM and electronic counter-counter measures(ECCM)and then we propose an Effective Time model to assess the deception jamming.Considering the guidance law,we build a simulation model to analyze the missile's miss distance under different ECMs.The simulation results indicate that ECM is helpful to reduce the susceptibility to some extent;however,for the targets with smaller radar cross section(RCS),the efficiency of the ECMs is not much useful.The ECM is also limited or ever harmful to counter the advanced weapon systems with good ECCMs.The proposed model is valuable for both the existing aircraft to reduce the susceptibility and the developing ones to design the susceptibility level.
出处 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期3630-3639,共10页 Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica
关键词 飞机敏感性 电子对抗 雷达抗干扰 干扰效果评估 脱靶量 命中概率 aircraft susceptibility electronic counter measure radar electronic counter-counter measures jamming evaluation miss distance hit probability
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