
地方性形成过程中结构性动力与非结构性动力的关系——以曲阜地方性塑造过程为例 被引量:15

Relationship between Structural Forces and Non-Structural Forces in the Process of Locality Formation:A Case of the Process of Qufu′s Locality Making
摘要 地方性是指一个地方区别于其他地方的独特性。结构主义地理学者认为,结构性动力机制决定了某个地方在空间网络中的功能和地位,他们强调结构性动力机制的决定作用。然而后结构主义地理学者认为,尽管存在强大的结构力量,但是个体的能动作用也会改变地方性。目前尚未有研究成果明确地说明个体能动性与结构性动力之间的关系,而这正是该文的探索主题。以孔子故里曲阜为研究对象,采用经验主义的文献分析法,分析在曲阜地方性塑造过程中,结构性动力和非结构性动力的内容与关系及其背后的主体。结论如下:第一,在突破原有意识形态的意义上,孔子创立儒学体现了非结构的动力,这成为后续国库资金流向曲阜的动因。第二,历朝历代国家文化空间的建设目的是满足宣传国家正统意识形态需要,这是一种结构性的力量,它决定国家文化空间建设的财力分配去向。曲阜在尊孔兴儒的朝代里,获得国库拨付的大量资金,用以兴建大型建筑群等,这背后的主体是以帝王为首的官僚群体。第三,地方文化的形成和传承主要依靠地方居民。孔氏家族及其当地居民共同塑造了曲阜的地方文化,这是非结构力量的作用。这些非结构力量创造出来的地方性是吸引结构性动力下资金流动的源泉。若要曲阜文化价值在当今得到延续和提升,须调动国家与地方、政府与民间等多方面的积极性。 Locality is the uniqueness that one place distinguish from the other places. Structuralism geographers argue that the function and status of a place are determined by structural mechanism in a regional network. They stress the determinism of structural forces. However, post-structuralism geographers think human agency can also alter a place although there are powerful structural forces. There are not adequate research results about the relationship between the individual agency and structural forces,so it is the theme of exploration in this paper. Taking Qufu as an example, this paper analyzes what are the structural forces, what are non-structural forces, the relationship between the two and what are subjects behind them. This research gets materials by exploiting literature analysis. Three conclusions are drawn. Firstly, In terms of breaking the original significance of ideology, Confucianism founded by Confucius embodied the power of non-structural forces, which became the attractions leading the subsequent national funds flowing into Qufu. Secondly, the construction of national cultural space was to meet the needs of national ideology, which was a kind of structural power and determined the distribution of financial resources. Since the beginning of Confucianism construction, Qufu got a lot of money from the nation to construct large buildings in the period of respecting Confucian dynasties, and the main subjects behind them are imperial bureaucrats under the leadership of emperors. Thirdly, the formation and inheritance of local cultural mainly relies on local residents. Kong family and local residents formed a series of local cultures, which is non-structural forces. As a consequence, the locality created by local non-structural forces becomes the core of attracting funds. Today, if we want to enhance the value of local culture in Qufu, the measures mainly on building entity elements invested by the state miss the point. We should stimulate the enthusiasm of the various aspects in order to retain and inherit local culture.
出处 《地理与地理信息科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期120-124,共5页 Geography and Geo-Information Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41301135 41271152)
关键词 地方性塑造 结构性动力 非结构性动力 曲阜 locality formation structural forces non-structural forces Qufu
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