

Strategies of the South China Sea from the Perspective of Sun Tzu's“Attack-Disrupt-Attack”
摘要 《孙子兵法》提出的"上兵伐谋、其次伐交、其次伐兵"的战略思想自古以来就得到人们的赞许,"伐谋""伐交"是实现"不战而屈人之兵"的条件和途径,而"伐兵"则是实现这一最高战略的保证。近年来,南海问题不断升级,作为中国"核心利益"的南海问题的和平解决将对中国的和平发展产生深远影响。以孙子的"三伐"战略为视角探讨我国南海战略,以"上兵伐谋以争全胜"作为解决南海问题的最佳指导思想,处理好中美间的战略博弈;借鉴孙子"伐交"思想,做好南海问题上的外交斗争;做好"伐兵"的准备,全力维护我国在南海的领土主权。通过"三伐"并起,既宣示我国重视和平的良好意愿,又要宣示我国具有通过"伐兵"来维护国家主权的坚定意志,从而真正有效地遏制战争,维护我国南海的领土和主权。 The Art of War pointed out the strategy that “what is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy’s strategy ;the next is to disrupt his alliance by diplomacy ;and then is to attack his army” ,which has been praised by people since ancient times .Sun Tzu viewed “to attack the enemy’s strategy” and “to disrupt his alliance by diplomacy” as the preconditions and means to “subduing the enemy without fighting ,” and “to attack his army”as protection for the realization of the supreme strategy .In recent years ,the South China Sea issue ,which involves China’s “core interests” ,has continued to escalate .The peaceful resolution of the issue will exert profound influence on the peaceful development of China .Making use of the “attack‐disrupt‐attack” strategic perspective of Sun Tzu , this paper analyzes the South China Sea issue from three aspects ,i .e .“to attack the enemy’s strategy” and the stra‐tegic game between China and U .S .,“to disrupt his alliance by diplomacy” and diplomatic struggles about the South China Sea ,and “to attack his army” and safeguarding territorial sovereignty ,hoping to be helpful in the reso‐lution of the South China Sea issue and enrich the academic research about the South China Sea .
作者 刘志良 刘帅
出处 《滨州学院学报》 2015年第5期10-14,共5页 Journal of Binzhou University
关键词 《孙子兵法》 伐谋 伐交 伐兵 南海战略 外交 领土 主权 The Art of War "to attack the enemy's strategy" "to disrupt his alliance by diplomacy" "to attackhis army" South China Sea Strategy diplomacy territory sovereignty
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