
夜间会车状态下驾驶员视觉特性研究 被引量:10

Research on the Characteristics of Driver's Visual in Vehicles Meet at Night
摘要 文中研究夜间会车时开启远光灯状态下驾驶员视觉特性,探讨驾驶员视觉特性相关参数的测量方法,研究会车车距、驾驶员视觉效果、行人衣着颜色、眼点光照度等之间的联系,重点分析随着会车车距的逐渐变化,驾驶员视觉清晰度和眩目感受的变化过程,以及驾驶员对不同衣着颜色行人的辨识程度变化.研究表明,在会车车距100m左右时驾驶员视觉清晰度和失能眩光程度开始发生不同程度的变化,在会车车距较近时,行人着橙、黄等颜色衣服有利于提高驾驶员对行人的辨识程度. The article focuses on the driver's visual characteristics with the high beam, discussing the measurements of relevant parameters driver visual characteristics, and getting simulation test data in the common vehicles meet condition at night. With further analysis of the data the article, researches the relationships among the vehicle distance, variables of the driver's visual effects, pedestrians with different colors dresses, eye point illumination, and pertinently explores the driver visual clarity and dazzling experience with a series of changes of vehicle distance, as well as the identification of driver on pedestrians with different colors dresses. The research have shown that driver were experiencing diversification of visual clarity and degree of disability glare both when two vehicles away from 100 meters. With closing the distance between vehicles, pedestrians with orange, yellow and other colors of clothes could improve the driver's identification of pedestrians.
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)》 2015年第6期1225-1228,共4页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Transportation Science & Engineering)
基金 交通运输部建设科技项目资助(批准号:2015318J36110)
关键词 夜间会车 视觉特性 眩光 行人特征 眼点光照度 vehicles meet at night visual characteristics, glare pedestrian characteristics eye point illumination
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