
基于“工业4.0”的智能船舶系统探讨 被引量:25

Study of Intelligent Ship System Based on Industrie 4.0
摘要 以大数据为基础,预测技术为核心的"工业4.0"对船舶工业的发展必将产生深远的影响。介绍了基于"工业4.0"的智能船舶系统的基本概念及体系结构,将网络互联和船舶实体深度融合,构建了集系统化、网络化、智能化和服务化为一体的智能服务体系,分析了各模块的功能,探讨了传统船舶与智能船舶系统的区别。最后,具体阐述了智能船舶系统的构建步骤与过程。 The "lndustrie 4.0", based on big data technology, taking forecasting techniques as the core, will surely exert a far-reaching influence on the development of ship industry. In this paper, the conceptual framework and system architecture of intelligent system for ship is introduced Through deeply integrating the network interconnection with the ship entity, an intelligent service system integrating systematization, networking, intelligentization and servicization is built. The function of every module is analyzed The distinctions between the traditional ship and the intelligent ship system are discussed. In the end, the procedures and processes to build the intelligent system for ships are specifically stated
出处 《船舶工程》 北大核心 2015年第11期58-60,71,共4页 Ship Engineering
关键词 工业4.0 船舶工业 智能船舶 智能服务 Industrie 4. 0 shipbuilding industry intelligent ship intelligent service
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