
从“和而不同”到“‘异己’间共生”——全球化时代国际理解教育模式的新探索 被引量:18

From “Harmonious But Different” to “Coexistence with Difference”——Exploring New Models of Education for International Understanding in the Age of Globalization
摘要 联合国教科文组织自提出国际理解教育理念以来,一直将"和而不同"为其基本原则,强调不同国家、种族、文化、宗教、阶层的人们——即"异质性他者"之间加强相互理解和合作,达到和谐共生的目的。但是,21世纪以来,国际理解教育所面临的困境使其实施者们开始思考和反省"和而不同"理念的局限,从而探索新的解决途径与方法。本文提出"‘异己’间共生"的国际理解教育新模式,并依凭近年来本文作者和中日韩三国学者的部分实践,总结出"‘异己’间共生"的国际理解教育实施方法,以求抛砖引玉,引发相关研究对该问题的思考。 Harmonious but for International Understanding" Different" has been the final goal and fundamental principle of the "Education since the UNESCO raised the concept. "Harmonious but Different" means that people from different country, culture, race, religion or class could be able to understand and cooperate with each other to reach the goal of living in harmony. However, the difficulty and dilemma the "Education for International Understanding" has been encountering since "911" make scholars and teachers realize the limitation of the goal of "Harmonious but Different" and start to explore new approaches and methods. With this background, this paper raises the new concept - "Coexistence with Difference" and its' education model by summing up my dialogue courses with Japanese scholars in these years with the hope to offer some ideas for people to think.
作者 姜英敏
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期30-34,共5页 International and Comparative Education
基金 全国社会科学“十一五”规划教育部青年课题--“国际组织及部分国家国际理解教育的理论问题研究”(EDA090457)的阶段性成果
关键词 国际理解教育 异己间共生 合作课程 education for international understanding coexistence with difference cooperation course
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