With the continuous development of society and the increasingly innovation of science and technology,people on the Internet and all kinds of new media is more and more widely used,the data has become an indispensable part of Peopleˊs Daily life and work,of The Times,change to have the important influence in all walks of life. How to reasonably use the data to cre-ate benefit is becoming a widespread concern in todayˊs world,big data model is the embodiment of the effective use of the data value,and popular in the film and television industry in recent years,especially in some domestic small and medium-sized cost film applied very successful,are worth further study. This article attempts to a high gear box office champion in 2014,pro-duction cost is 40 million yuan only film" Those Bygones Remained" as an example analysis of domestic small and medium-sized cost film how important link in the industry for the use of big data effectively,to explore the use of big data can bring what value to the domestic small and medium-sized cost film,and put forward some own opinions,hoping to help domestic small and medium-sized cost film and big data model to combine effectively,make the future more domestic small and medium-sized cost film stand out in the film market,promote the development of Chinese film.
Journal of Zaozhuang University
Big Data
MediumAnd Small Cost Movie