

Analysis of Immunization Effect of the Implementation of Poliomyelitis Vaccine Immunization in Nanxian County of Yiyang City in Hunan Province in 2013 and 2014
摘要 目的分析湖南省益阳市南县2013—2014年脊髓灰质炎疫苗(OPV)强化免疫效果,为今后OPV强化免疫活动提供参考。方法根据湖南省卫生厅湘卫疾控处《关于印发(湖南省2013/2014年脊髓灰质炎疫苗强化免疫技术方案)的通知》和南县卫生局《关于印发(南县2013/2014年脊髓灰质炎疫苗强化免疫技术方案)的通知》等文件要求开展工作并对强化免疫资料进行分析。结果本轮强化免疫对象为2011年1月1日—2013年9月30日出生的儿童.全县常住应种儿童数为18217人,流动应种儿童数为693人。2轮强化免疫常住儿童实际投服分别为17686人和17575人,接种率分别为97.08%和96.47%;2轮强化免疫流动儿童实际投服分别为686人和682人,接种率分别为98.98%和98.41%,2轮强化免疫常住儿童和流动儿童接种率,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。强化免疫前"零"剂次儿童共886人,占总服苗儿童4.7%。结论该次脊髓灰质炎疫苗强化免疫活动组织有序扎实,经费、宣传、培训等均比较到位,保障了强化免疫活动的进行,提高了全县儿童接种率,对于阻断脊髓灰质炎病毒传播具有重要意义。 Objective To summarize and analyze the effect of supplementary effect of oral poliomyelitis vaccine (OPV) in Nanxian County of Yiyang City in Hunan province from 2013 to 2014 so as to provide a reference for further immunization of OPV. Meth-ods According to the requirement of the 2013/2014 Notice on the Immunization Technique for Polio Vaccine in Hunan Province issued by the Disease Control Center of the Ministry of Health of Hunan Province and the 2013/2014 Notice on the Immunization Technique for Polio Vaccine in Nanxian County issued by the Health Bureau of Nanxian County, relevant preparation was made and documents required about supplementary immunization were analyzed. Results The immunized object was children born be-tween January 1, 2011 and September 30, 2013. The total number of routine children for vaccination was 18217, and the number of non-routine children was 693. The total numbers of routine children for the first and the second round of supplementary immu-nization were respectively 17686 and 17575, with the inoculation rates at 97.08% and 96.47%. There was no statistically signifi-cant difference (P〉0.05). The total numbers of non-routine children for the first and the second round of supplementary immu-nization were respectively 686 and 682, with the inoculation rates at 98.98% and 98.41%. There was no statistically significant difference (P〉0.05). There was a total of 886 children had never received vaccine before this immunization, accounting for 4.7%of the total. Conclusion The campaign of polio vaccine immunization is well-organized, with enough supporting funding and support-ive training, which have made the supplementary immunization happen, increased the immunization rate of children in this county, and is of significance to block the transmission of poliovirus.
作者 刘海波
出处 《中国卫生产业》 2015年第8期19-21,共3页 China Health Industry
关键词 脊髓灰质炎 强化免疫 效果分析 Polio Supplementary Immunization Effect Analysis
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