
“一带一路”战略视域下的中非天然气合作 被引量:3

Sino-African Natural Gas Cooperation in the Context of One Belt and One Road Strategy
摘要 当前,天然气合作已成为中非合作新的重要领域。通过梳理和分析中非间天然气贸易与投资情况、中国能源进口形势、国际油气市场态势等领域的数据和文献,笔者认为,通过加强非洲天然气供应地保障、促进中非天然气贸易、提升对非天然气投资水平、鼓励中非天然气领域的经验与智力交流等手段,可以极大地拓展我国"一带一路"战略实施的广度与深度。要实现这一目标,需要我国油气企业充分把握国际能源格局转型、中国能源企业国际化、中非能源合作升温以及"一带一路"战略配套政策等带来的机遇,进一步深化中非间天然气合作力度。当然,在这一过程中,我国油气企业必须妥善应对不利的投资环境、严峻的安全局势与外部竞争形势带来的各种挑战。 At present,natural gas cooperation between China and African countries has become an important part of SinoAfrican cooperation. Through extensive analysis of the data and literatures about Sino-African natural gas trade and investment,the situation of China's energy import and the trend of the international oil and gas market,this article reveals that in order to largely broaden and deepen the practice of One Belt and One Road Strategy,China should guarantee natural gas supply in Africa,promote Sino-Africa natural gas trade and natural gas investment in Africa and encourage communication of experiences and technologies of natural gas development between China and Africa. Therefore,Chinese government should seize the opportunities brought by the transformation of world energy landscape,the internationalization of Chinese energy companies,the increasingly close Sino-African energy cooperation and the support of One Belt and One Road Strategy to further strengthen Sino-African natural gas cooperation. However,the unfavorable investment environment,the severe security situation in Africa and the intense competition in Africa are the challenges China must face.
作者 王涛 曹峰毓
出处 《西南石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第6期1-8,共8页 Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"撒哈拉以南非洲反政府武装问题及其对中非合作关系的影响研究"(14CGJ005) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"撒哈拉以南非洲反政府武装问题研究:背景 进程与影响"(12YJCGJWO13)
关键词 非洲 天然气合作 “一带一路”倡议 国际油气市场 中国能源进口 国际能源格局 Africa natural gas cooperation One Belt and One Road Strategy international oil and gas market China's energy imports international energy landscape
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