
当代中国农民工幸福感的二维度量 被引量:1

A Two-dimensional Analysis of Migrant Workers' Sense of Happiness
摘要 近年来,国家对国民幸福感的关注程度越来越高。社会要和谐,首先必须实现人的和谐。农民工作为连接城市和农村、市民和农民的纽带,是我国工业化、城市化进程中不可或缺的重要力量,是构建社会主义和谐社会的关键。本文以农民工幸福感调查数据为基础研究当代中国农民工的幸福感,从社会和农民工自身二维视角探讨影响农民工幸福感的原因。其中,主观原因主要是自我认同度低、缺乏归属感、存在攀比心理等,客观原因主要是待遇低、欠薪严重、维权艰难、子女入学难、赡养父母等。要提升农民工的幸福感,需要内部发力、外部助力共同作用,通过改变农民工心态、加大教育培训、提高法律意识、健全社会保障制度等措施来予以解决。 In recent years,the government has been paying more attention to national happiness. Social harmony comes after harmony among people. Migrant workers,the bond of connecting urban and rural areas and residents,are the key to a harmonious society and are an indispensable part in the process of industrialization and urbanization in China. Based on the happiness surveys on migrant workers,this paper analyzes migrant workers' sense of happiness in contemporary China and explores the reasons that affect the migrant workers' sense of happiness from two dimensions: the society and the migrant workers themselves. The subjective reasons why migrant workers lack the sense of happiness are the lack of confidence in their self-identity and a sense of belonging,and their mentality of comparing with others;on the part of society,low and often overdue wage payment,difficulties in defending their rights,in schooling for their children and caring for their parents are factors that destroy migrant workers sense of happiness. To improve migrant workers' sense of happiness,efforts should be made by themselves and by society to change their state of mind,to enhance education and training,to boost their legal consciousness and to improve the social security system etc.
作者 贾苗苗 周勇
出处 《西南石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第6期50-55,共6页 Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 农民工 幸福感 城乡一体化 和谐社会 城镇化进程 migrant workers sense of happiness rural-urban integration harmonious society urbanization process
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