

Expression and clinical significance of Cripto-1 in tissues of clear cell renal cell carcinoma
摘要 目的 检测畸胎瘤衍生生长因子1(Cripto-1)在肾透明细胞癌组织中的表达水平并探讨其临床病理学意义.方法 应用RT-PCR、Western-blot及免疫组织化学(IHC)方法分别检测37例肾透明细胞癌组织和对应癌旁正常组织Cripto-1 mRNA和蛋白的表达水平,并进一步分析与临床病理指标之间的关系.结果 人肾透明细胞癌组织较癌旁正常肾组织Cripto-1 mRNA(0.620±0.069比0.225±0.043,P=8.66 ×10-7)和蛋白(0.895±0.360比0.112±0.050,P=2.26×10-8)表达水平均显著升高.免疫组织化学结果显示Cripto-1蛋白在淋巴结转移阳性(Z=-2.069,P=0.039)及晚期肾癌患者(T3 +T4)中表达明显增高(F =0.015,P=0.032),Cripto-1 mRNA及蛋白表达水平与患者的年龄、性别以及组织病理分化水平无明显相关(P>0.05).结论 Cripto-1在人肾癌组织中高表达并与肾癌的进展和淋巴结转移可能呈正相关关系。 Objectives To explore the expression level and clinical significance of teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1 (TDGF-1,also called Cripto-1) in patients with renal clear cell carcinoma.Methods Cripto-1 of mRNA and protein levels of 37 patients with renal clear cell carcinoma were measured by RT-PCR 、Western-blot and IHC and 37 paracancerous tissue served as control,further analysis of the relationship with the clinical pathologic characteristics.Results The Cripto-1 mRNA (0.620 ± 0.069 vs 0.225 ± 0.043,P =8.66 × 10-7) and protein expression (0.895 ±0.360 vs 0.112 ±0.050,P =2.26 × 10-8) in cancerous tissues increased significantly as compared to the normal gastric tissues.Though there was no significant correlation between Cripto-1 expression with tumor pathological differential degrees.Consistcndy.IHC revealed that patients with lymph node metastasis(Z =-2.069,P =0.039) and those with more advanced clinical stages(F =0.015,P =0.032) were prone to show higher Cripto-1 protein level.Conclusions Above results suggested that Cripto-1 was overexpressed in renal cancer tissues,which may contribute to cancerous progression and lymph node metastasis.
出处 《国际泌尿系统杂志》 2015年第6期810-814,共5页 International Journal of Urology and Nephrology
关键词 肾肿瘤 腺癌 透明细胞 畸胎瘤 Kidney Neoplasms Adenocarcin oma,Clear Cell Teratom
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