
无瓣海桑与乡土红树植物混交对林地大型底栖动物的影响 被引量:16

Effects of mixed plantations of Sonneratia apetala and indigenous mangrove species on understory macrofauna
摘要 选择广东省雷州市附城镇和珠海市淇澳岛沿海1年生无瓣海桑人工林,分别在林下混种乡土红树植物红海榄或木榄幼苗,对混交林和无瓣海桑纯林林地大型底栖动物群落进行比较,探讨无瓣海桑与乡土红树植物混交对林地大型底栖动物的影响。结果显示,混交林和无瓣海桑纯林之间大型底栖动物群落的优势种存在差异;相似性分析检验(One-Way ANOSIM)、等级聚类和非参数多变量标序结果均表明1年无瓣海桑+红海榄混交林、1年无瓣海桑+木榄混交林和1年无瓣海桑纯林之间大型底栖动物群落结构差异显著。研究还发现在无瓣海桑人工林林下混交红海榄或木榄这两种乡土红树植物,可提高林地底栖动物的生物量和物种多样性。BIOENV分析说明大型底栖动物分布与红海榄或木榄这两种混交的乡土树种的凋落物量密切相关,这进一步证实了混交乡土红树植物对林地底栖动物多样性和分布的影响。两个研究地实验结果均显示,在无瓣海桑林下种植木榄的效果要优于红海榄,表现在木榄的平均苗高、凋落物量、凋落物量占群落凋落物总量百分比和幼苗成活率均高于红海榄,其对提高林地大型底栖动物生物量和物种多样性的效果也明显优于红海榄。 Sonneratia apetala was introduced to China's Hainan Island from Bangladesh in 1985. In recent years, because of its adaptability and rapid growth, S. apetala has become the most important species to ensure the forestation of mangroves that are imported to the coastal and intertidal regions of South China. This study was conducted to explore the ecological responses of understory macrofauna communities during the transformation of a pure S. apetala plantation and the major environmental factors affecting them. Two pure plantations of 1-year-old S. apetala were chosen as the study sites: one was at Zhanjiang Island Mangrove Nature Reserve in Leizhou, and the other was at Qi'ao Island Mangrove Nature Reserve in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, China. Indigenous mangrove seedlings of Rhizophora stylosa or Bruguiera gymnorrhiza weremixed with S. apetala by underwood planting. The macrofauna communities of the transformed l-year-old S. apetala + R. stylosa and 1-year-old S. apetala + B. gymnorrhiza mixed plantations were compared with those of a similarly aged pure S. apetala plantation. The results showed differences in the dominant species among the macrofauna communities in the 1-year- old pure S. apetala plantation and the 1-year-old S. apetala + R. stylosa and 1-year-old S. apetala + B. gymnorrhiza mixed plantations. The results of a one-way analysis of similarity, hierarchical clustering, and nonmetric multidimensional scaling all showed significant structural differences among the maerofauna communities of the pure plantations and mixed plantations, which had similar forest ages. In addition, the results showed that transforming pure S. apetala plantations by underwood planting with seedlings of R. stylosa or B. gymnorrhiza may improve the biomass and species diversity of the understory macrofauna. BIOENV analysis showed that macrofauna distribution was closely related to the amount of indigenous mangrove plant litter of R. stylosa or B. gymnorrhiza, which further confirmed that underwood planting with indigenous mangrove species played an important role in the distribution and species diversity of the understory macrofauna. Because the levels of the physicochemical factors in the soil in the three forest types were not significantly different and the upper canopy of these forests was entirely comprised of S. apetala, it can be speculated that underwood planting with R. stylosa or B. gymnorrhiza increased the understory indigenous mangrove plant litter, the nutrient levels ( such as the C/N ratio), and the tannin content that may be adaptive or preferred by indigenous macrofauna. Furthermore, some mobile mollusks and crustaceans move to mangrove habitats that are more suitable for survival, leading to a rise in the biomass and species diversity of understory macrofauna in mixed plantations. However, experimental results from the two research sites showed that the effect of underwood planting in pure S. apetala plantations with B. gymnorrhiza was superior to that with R. stylosa because the average seedling height, litter production, percentage of litter production accounting for the communities' total litter production, and the survival rate of seedlings were all greater for underwood planting with B. gymnorrhiza than with R. stylosa. This also resulted in a higher biomass increase and species diversity of macrofauna in the underwood planting with B. gymnorrhiza than with R. stylosa. This experiment was conducted 3 months after underwood planting with R. stylosa or B. gymnorrhiza in the pure S. apetala plantations. Since the total research period was only 1 year, this study only explored the short-term effects of the experiment; therefore, future studies on its long-term effects are required.
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第22期7355-7366,共12页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 广东省科技计划项目(NO.2009B030600006) 国家科技支撑计划项目(NO.2009BADB2B0401-02) 国家星火计划(2013GA780019) 广东第二师范学院大学生创新创业训练计划项目(1427813116)(142781429) 广东第二师范学院校级科研项目(2013yjxm03)
关键词 无瓣海桑 木榄 红海榄 大型底栖动物 物种多样性 Sonneratia apetala Bruguiera gymnorrhiza Rhizophora stylosa macrofauna species diversity
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