
当前慢病防控困境迫切呼唤新医学和菌心说 被引量:27

New medicine and bacteriocentric theory and a revolution in prevention and control of chronic diseases
摘要 进入21世纪以来,国际社会所面临的慢病防控形势愈发严峻,不仅对于肥胖、糖尿病、高血压、肿瘤等慢病仍然缺乏良策,而且新药研发速度也并没有随着人类基因组计划的完成得到提高,进而导致欧美以及中国医疗改革举步维艰,反过来提示当代医疗模式可能存在一定问题。结合国际上的研究进展,针对这些问题进行系统分析以及基于大量志愿者进行科学研究的基础上,提出"慢病的菌源性学说",倾向于认为人体慢病主要是由于多种因素所导致的人体共生微生物菌群紊乱造成的,同时证明可通过纠正胃肠道菌群紊乱显著改善包括便秘、肥胖、糖尿病等在内的慢病症状。在此基础上,还进一步提出"心理活动的菌源性学说",认为人类的心理活动除了与大脑密切相关之外,还与人体共生菌群密切相关,甚至不排除人类心理活动有可能是微生物菌群通过人体大脑控制下的机体行为所展示出来的一种表现。进而提出新医学理论和菌心说学说,认为人菌平衡是健康的标志,而人菌失衡是慢病的根源,而且人菌失衡的关键在于人体和菌群之间的碳源竞争。菌心说学说认为相对于人体的躯体和大脑而言,由人体共生微生物菌群所构成的"心脑菌脑"有可能是人类心理活动的核心、中心和重心,而人体则有可能是被设计为菌群微生态系统提供生存与发展作用的场所和工具。基于这一观点,不仅可望实现慢病防控与健康管理领域的新突破,而且还有可能实现对人类心理活动以及精神意识活动的物质基础的认知与升华,对于重新认识人类以及人类社会将有可能带来前所未有的新突破。 Since the start of the 21st Century, the situation in the fields of prevention and control of the chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, is becoming more and more serious. The research and development of new drugs is limited even along with the successful completion of the human genome project, leading to the difficulties in the medical reform in China as well as in Europe and the United States, which in turn suggests that there may be some problems in the modern medical and health care system. Based on the research progress in the world, and a large number of volunteers in our study, we have advanced the microbe-origin theory of chronic disease, which means that the chronic disease in a human body is mainly due to the disorders of human commensal mieroflora, and the symptoms of chronic diseases including constipation, obesity, diabetes could be significantlyimproved by optimizing the gastrointestinal flora. On this basis, we have proposed the microbe-origin theory of the psychological activity, which means that the human mental activity is not only closely related with the human brain, but also closely related with the gastrointestinal flora. We have then proposed a new medical theory that the human health depends on the balance between the human body and the gastrointestinal flora, while the chronic disease is due to the imbalance between the human body and the gastrointestinal flora. In most cases, the disorder of human gastrointestinal flora is caused by insufficient supply of the biologial carbon source for the microbe in colorectum because of the over uptake of the biologial carbon source by the small intestine in the body. Furthermore, it is suggested that the human body is the place designed for the growth of the microbe, and the psychological activities of the human beings are closely related with the intestinal microbiota. Based on this view, we may not only achieve a new breakthrough in the field of prevention and control of chronic diseases and health management, but also more likely achieve a new understanding of the mental activities of human being and their material basis in particular, as well as that of the human society in general.
作者 张成岗
出处 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第22期106-111,共6页 Science & Technology Review
关键词 慢病防控 健康管理 新医学 菌心说 慢病的肠源性学说 慢病的菌源性学说 心理活动的菌源性学说 prevention and control of chronic disease health management new medicine bacteriocentric theory gastrointestinalorigin of chronic disease microbe origin of chronic disease microbe origin of psychological activity
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