目的 :分析新桥镇小学三年级学生视力不良与影响因素的关系,为降低视力不良率提供干预依据。方法 :2012年12月对新桥小学三年级6个班级的302名学生进行裸眼视力检查和电脑验光,并制作调查表从用眼光坏境、学习压力、学习中的用眼行为、课外活动情况4个方面调查影响视力的相关因素,进行统计学分析。结果 :三年级302名学生中有77名学生视力不良,视力不良率为25.50%;害怕考试、成绩好才会有出息、用铅笔写作业这3个近视相关因素有统计学意义(χ2=4.149、5.378、4.430,P=0.042、0.020、0.035)。结论:如果不从用眼光环境、学习压力、用眼行为、课外活动4个方面进行干预,视力不良率将不可阻挡的继续增长。
Objective: To analyze the relationship of the poor vision with the influence factors in the pupils in the third grade of Xinqiao Community Primary School to provide a basis for the intervention to reduce the malvision rate. Methods: In December 2012, the naked eye visual acuity examination and computer optometry were conducted in 302 pupils in the six classes at the third grade in Xinqiao Primary School. The questionnaire of four aspects including the vision environment, study pressure, learning behavior, and extracurricular activity was made to investigate the related factors which affected the vision, and the results were statistically analyzed. Results: In 302 third grade pupils, there were 77 in the poor vision and the poor vision rate was 25.50%. Three related influence factors of the examination fearing, good grades being successful, and using a pencil to write had the statistical significance(χ2=4.149, 5.378, 4.430, P=0.042, 0.020, 0.035). Conclusion: If the four aspects of the vision environment, studying pressure, vision behavior, and extracurricular activity are not intervened, the poor eyesight rate unstops continuing growth.
Shanghai Medical & Pharmaceutical Journal
poor vision
vision behavior
study pressure