核素分类与化学元素分类价值相似,是核结构理论统一的基础.在氘氚结团图中,说明了核素分布6×6核素小区域的1+3式分布,是1个正方形区与3个小区组成6×8核素单位区.而在核素分类的不同层次,前后还存在着核素分布的2类1+3区域.1个是基本变量Z,N的3×3核素正方形区,1个是变量S,K确定的1+3含有6×8核素的单位区,这3组1+3核素分布区的中心坐标为96 42 30Mo54 12,130 54 32 Xe76 22;129 54 33Xe75 21,79 35 26Br44 9;114 45 31Ph59 14,126 53 33I 73 20. 在最前面还有Z38的1+3核素.这体现了核素分类的深层数理美.
Nuclear classification has important value as the periodic law of elements. It is the foundation of united nuclear structure theory. In the nuclide chart with clusters of deuteron and triton, nuclei distribution with 1+3 area which has 6×6 even-even nuclei. It is an area which has6×8 nuclei in which contains 3 small area. On diverse levels of nuclear classification, before and after exist two groups of 1+3 area. One is a square with 3×3 nuclei by basic variable Z,N.Another is a unit-area that contains three area with 6×6 nuclei determines by variables S,K Coordinates centers are 96 42 30Mo54 12,130 54 32 Xe76 22;129 54 33Xe75 21,79 35 26Br44 9;114 45 31Ph59 14,126 53 33I 73 20. for the three groupsof area of nuclear distribution. In front it still has 1+3 nuclei of proton Z 38 probably. One is small and three are big. This reflects deep unify in nuclear systematic.
Journal of Shantou University:Natural Science Edition
nuclear classification
clusters of deuteron and triton
small area
unit area
style of 1+3 on nuclear area.