系统调查了湖北地区茶饼病(Exobasidium vexans Massee)的消长规律与温湿度、品种、海拔高度、地形地势等因素的关系。结果表明,该病在湖北茶区的发生流行期为6-8月,在海拔500 m以上的阴坡茶园发病严重。同时对分离纯化的茶饼病菌进行生物学特性研究,发现担孢子在15-32℃的范围内均能萌发,孢子萌发最适温度是25℃;在p H 3-7的范围内担孢子均能萌发,适宜生长的p H为5-6;茶树不同品种与抗病性存在一定的关系。该结果为进一步研究茶饼病病害流行及防控提供理论依据。
The relationships of the dynamics of tea blister blight natural population and the humidity,varieties, altitude, terrain and other factors was systematically investigated. The results showed that the occurrence of epidemic disease was from June to August in Hubei province. Moreover, the disease would become more serious above elevation of 500 meters in shady tea garden. The biological characteristics of Exobasidium vexans Massee was studied and spores could germinate between 15-32 ℃,p H 3-7;The optimal temperature was 25 ℃ and the optimal p H was 5-6, respectively. Different varieties of tea and disease resistance were closely related,the result may provide theoretical basis for disease prevention and control in further work.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences