
一种非均匀的双路脉冲产生结构 被引量:1

An uneven dual-output pulse generator
摘要 提出了一种非均匀的双路脉冲发生器,采用非对称的高/低阻双路输出,结构上类似于同轴Blumlein线,其形成线包含内筒、中筒和外筒三个同轴圆筒,形成线与Tesla变压器一体化。为获得一致的终端输出阻抗,低阻输出端采用同轴线一分多结构,以匹配高阻输出端阻抗,高阻输出端的输出幅值相对较高,低阻一分多输出端形成低幅值的多路均匀脉冲输出。此外还给出了一组产生超宽谱非均匀脉冲串的设计实例,多路输出脉冲经延迟传输可形成首脉冲幅值较高、后续脉冲幅值均匀的组合脉冲。 An uneven dual-output pulse generator was presented in this paper, whose pulse forming line consisted of threecoaxial cylinders and a build-in Tesla transform. Such a generator possessed two uneven output ports with high and low wave im-pedance each. The polarity of the dual-output pulses was opposite, and the pulse amplitude of the high-impedance output port washigher relatively. A pulse splitting-delaying device was connected with the low-impedance output port to realize accordant imped-ance at output terminals, and multiplex pulses with a low and even amplitude were obtained. One design example of the UWS(ultra-wide spectrum) pulse-series generator was given. After being delayed transmission multiplex output pulses of such a gener-ator could form combined pulse which composed of first high-amplitude pulse and following even-amplitude pulses.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期246-249,共4页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 西北核技术研究所高功率微波技术重点实验室项目
关键词 脉冲功率 双路输出 多脉冲 超宽谱 pulsed power dual output multi-pulse ultra-wide spectrum
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