Book Series of Chinese Modern Drama Theories and Criticism is a collection of the important writings of dramatic theories and criticism from the period of Wenmingxi to the eve of the establishment of new China, providing precious first-hand historical data to the later researchers. Based on the idea of "theories in accordance with the history, and history delineated by the theory", the series presents several features in its compilation style and the selection of content. Firstly, the books are edited in chronological order, giving a full picture of the history of the Chinese modem drama movements. Secondly, the selection of books covers the aesthetic thoughts of every historical phases, demonstrating the evolution of Chinese modem dramatic concept. Thirdly, while picturing the historical vision of modem drama, these editions highlight important dramatists and dramatic phenomena. Fourthly, they try to include a diversity of styles to contain more historical details and finally, they also include the representative translations of foreign dramas. This article introduces and analyzes the book series and the five aspects to evaluate its contributions to dramatic theories and criticism.
Theatre Arts
modern dramatic theories
modem dramatic criticism
history of dramatic movements
history of dramatic concepts