The book Leuiathan and the Air-Pump written by Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer is known as a classic book in the field of SSK. Basing on the programme of Sociology of Scientific Knowledge, Shapin and Schaffer discussed the black box of Hobbs-Boyle debate, and studied the re- lationship between the politics and the knowledge. Latour and Haraway separately reexamined this history. Latour deconstroeted Hobbes's Leviathan, by doing which he eliminated the $SK dichotomy between nature and society, and pointed out that this dichotomy is an illusion of modernity. Correspondingly, Haraway studied the same question, but from the gender perspective, by doing which she pointed out that the Boyle experiment helped to construct the new male gender, and opened the black box of society of SSK. These studies done by Latour and Haraway separately suggests that there is another way beyond the scientific realism and the social constructivism, i.e., to replace social constroctivism with the practical constructivism, one can realize the actual historical evolution of nature and society as well as of human and nonhuman.
Studies in Dialectics of Nature