

Morphological Changes of Parietal Cells before and after Anther Dehiscence of Almond
摘要 为探明扁桃花药开裂前后壁层细胞形态变化,以鹰咀扁桃鳞片开裂期、小蕾期、大蕾期和盛花期的花蕾为研究材料,运用石蜡切片法结合铁苏木精染色法、考马斯亮蓝染色法、PAS染色法对花药壁层细胞进行染色;同时用Nikon SMZ-250体视显微镜拍摄花药开裂过程,观测花粉粒长、短轴长度。结果表明:(1)从鳞片开裂期到小蕾期,花粉粒的长、短轴长度都增大,多糖颗粒数量增多,绒毡层细胞完全消失,中层细胞和药隔处细胞逐渐溶解;药室内壁细胞切向长度增加幅度大于径向长度,内、外壁长度都增大,螺旋状纤维进一步形成;表皮细胞切向长度增加幅度大于径向长度。(2)从小蕾期到大蕾期花粉粒长、短轴长度明显增大,多糖颗粒持续增多;中层细胞和药隔处细胞大部分溶解;药室内壁细胞径向、切向长度持续增大,内壁长度增大、外壁长度趋于稳定,多糖颗粒数量减少,螺旋状纤维基本形成;表皮细胞切向减小幅度大于径向。(3)从大蕾期到花药半开裂,花粉粒长、短轴长度稍微增大;中层细胞和药隔处细胞完全溶解;药室内壁细胞切向长度持续增大,径向长度趋于稳定,内壁长度持续增大,外壁长度逐渐减小,多糖颗粒数量较少;表皮细胞切向、径向长度持续减小。(4)花药半开裂后,花粉粒长、短轴长度都减小;药室内壁细胞和表皮细胞切向、径向长度都减小;药室内壁细胞内、外壁长度减小并趋于接近,内壁长度减小趋势出现晚于外壁。研究认为,扁桃花药壁层细胞形态变化是花药开裂的基础,并与花药开裂密切相关。 The research objective is to ascertain the morphological changes of parietal cells before and after the anther dehiscence of almonds. In this research,buds of Yingzui almond were selected as the experimen- tal materials and picked off during the four periods of scale dehiscing, small bud, big bud and bloom. These buds were cut into slices using traditional paraffin section method, and the parietal cells of their anthers were dyed with the methods of Iron hematoxylin staining,Coomassie brilliant blue staining and PAS stai- ning,respectively;meanwhile,the dehiscing processes of anthers were photographed with the Nikon SMZ- 250 stereo microscope to observe and measure the lengths of long and short axes of pollen grains. The re-sults showed that.. (1)from the scale dehiscing period to the small bud period,the lengths of long and short axes of pollen grains as well as the number of polysaccharide particles increased ~ the tapetum cells decom- posed completely,and the middle layer cells and cells in the stomium tissue decomposed by degrees; the tangential lengths of endothecium cells increased more greatly than the radial lengths, both the lengths of inner walls and outer walls of endothecium cells increased,and the spiral fibers gradually grew;the tangen- tial lengths of epidermic cells increased more greatly than the radial lengths. (2)From the small bud period to the big bud period, the lengths of long and short axes of pollen grains increased obviously,and the num- ber of polysaccharide particles continued to rise;the middle layer ceils and ceils in the stomium tissue de- composed in a great measure ~ the tangential and radial lengths of endothecium cells kept rising;the lengths of inner walls of endothecium cells increased while the lengths of outer walls stayed in a certain level, the number of polysaccharide particles decreased and the spiral fibers almost completely formed;the tangential lengths of epidermic cells decreased more substantially than the radial lengths. (3)From the big bud period to the half-dehiscing anther period,the lengths of long and short axes of pollen grains increased a little;the middle layer cells and cells in the stomium tissue decomposed entirely;the tangential lengths of endotheci- um cells maintained the increasing trend and the radial lengths remained steady;the lengths of inner walls of endothecium cells increased continuously, the lengths of outer walls decreased little by little, and most of polysaccharide particles of endothecium cells dissolved. (4)After the half-dehiscing anther period, the lengths of long and short axes of pollen grains reduced slightly; the tangential and radial lengths of epider- mic cells and endothecium cells both reduced; the lengths of inner walls and outer walls of endothecium cells reduced and gradually came close to each other,but the lengths of inner walls experienced a reducing trend earlier than that of outer walls. Thus, the research concluded that the morphological changes of parie- tal cells were closely related to the anther dehiscence and lay the foundation for the dehiscing processes of almond anthers.
出处 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期2219-2226,共8页 Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(31360473 31260186) 新疆自治区十二五重大科技专项(201130102-1) 新疆自治区果树学重点学科基金(201107)
关键词 扁桃花药 壁层细胞 形态变化 二次增厚 多糖颗粒 almond anther parietal cells morphological changes second-thickening polysaecharide particles
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