
佛罗里达州立大学慕课设计与实施 被引量:5

Case Analysis of the Design and Execution of FSU's First MOOC
摘要 近年来,"慕课"(MOOC)成为全球高等教育领域最引人瞩目的现象,并从理念和实践上冲击着传统高等教育机构、教师和学生。通过参与并访谈佛罗里达州立大学独立慕课开发和实施团队负责人Vanessa Dennen博士主持的"使用社交媒体促进主动学习"(Social media for active learning)慕课,归纳慕课教学设计和实施过程中的挑战,给出相应的解决方案,总结慕课教学的独特之处,并指出今后慕课设计和实施应注意的问题。 In the past three years,MOOC has exerted a transformative influence in the global higher education arena. Higher education institutions,faculty,students and those employed in enterprises are all attracted by the promises MOOC make to human society in its potential to liberalize higher education to all masses. The writer participated in the initiative MOOC offered by Florida State University and summed up the challenges confronting MOOC design and implementation,with solutions given. Meanwhile,the writer illustrated the unique characteristics of MOOC in enhancing active learning and offered some advice in future MOOC design and implementation.
作者 许涛
出处 《集美大学学报(教育科学版)》 2015年第6期84-88,共5页 Journal of Jimei University:Education Science Edition
基金 同济大学研究生精品课程建设项目(2014JPKC001)
关键词 慕课 慕课教学设计与实施 社交媒体 主动学习 MOOC design and implementation of MOOC social media active learning
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