In the fields of criminal procedural law, the principle of being in favor of the accused exists as a principle associated with the principle of presumption of innocence and com- plementary to the rule of strict construction. As such, it plays an important restrictive role in the determination of criminal facts, initiation of criminal retrial, and interpretation of norms of criminal procedural law. As far as the determination of criminal facts is concerned, the princi- ple of being in favor of the accused requires that no punishment should be imposed in doubtful cases and takes "beyond reasonable doubt" as the standard of criminal proof. For a long time, the rationale of no punishment in doubtful cases has not been implemented in Chinese criminal procedure due to the influence of the traditional idea of " mitigating punishment for doubted crime". The recent amendment to the Chinese Criminal Procedure Law introduced the rule of "beyond reasonable doubt", thereby enabling the principle of being in favor of the accused to be implemented in China for the first time. However, the amendment takes the rule of "beyond a reasonable doubt" only as a subordinate principle, rather than a replacement, of the principle of "reliable and sufficient evidence", thus fails to give full play to the role of the principle of being in favor of the accused in the determination of criminal facts. In terms of criminal retrial, the principle demands the prohibition of double jeopardy, permission of retrial favorable to the accused, and (conditional) prohibition of retrial unfavorable to the accused. However, the principle of prohibiting double jeopardy is not introduced into the Chinese system of criminal re- trial because China adheres to the principle of ' being true to fact' and the principle that ' every wrong should be righted'. In the revision of the Chinese Criminal Procedure Law, law makers not only rejected the principle of prohibition of double jeopardy, but also strengthened to a cer- tain extent the system of retrial unfavorable to the accused. With regard to the construction of norms of criminal procedural law, the principle of being in favor of the accused requires the a- doption of an interpretation favorable to the accused in cases where the precise meaning of the a specific norm is still hard to understand after exhausting all efforts on strict construction. To en- sure the smooth implementation of the revised Criminal Procedural Law, prevent the expansion of public power and violation of private rights resulting from the lack of clarity of norms in the Law, and guarantee the litigation rights of criminal suspects and defendants, it is necessary for China to adopt a construction of norms of criminal procedural law favorable to the defendant un- der the precondition of adhering to the rule of strict construction.
Global Law Review