
基于Gzip压缩算法的彩色QR码生成与识别方法 被引量:5

Generation and recognition method of colorized QR codes based on Gzip compression algorithm
摘要 黑白条码由于数据容量的局限性已无法满足用户需求,据此在Gzip压缩算法的基础上设计了一种彩色QR码的生成和识别方法。该方法的编码颜色为2k种时,每个模块可编码k个二进制数据。通过增加编码颜色和Gzip压缩算法显著提高了彩色QR码的数据容量。本文设计的彩色QR码的编码颜色可任意选取,解码时不需要利用参考颜色构成的调色板对彩色码进行偏色处理,计算复杂度大幅减小,并且保留了黑白QR码的鲁棒性和可靠性。分析对比了4种颜色和16种颜色QR码的数据容量和计算复杂度,结果表明基于Gzip压缩算法的彩色QR码是一种高效的信息嵌入方法。 The limitation of data capacity of black-and-white barcodes has been unable to meet the needs for users, accordingly, a method of generating and recognizing colorized Quick Response(QR) codes based on Gzip compression algorithm was designed which the encoding color could be arbitrarily selected. When encoded with 2k colors , each module can be encoded K binary data. The data capacity of the colorized QR codes was substantial increased by increasing the number of colors and Gzip compression algo- rithm. The method was not necessary to use any reference color to deal with the correction of color east in the decoding process which significantly reduce the computational complexity and preserves the strong reliability and robustness properties of QR. The da- ta capacity and computational complexity of 4 and 16 colorized QR codes are analyzed and compared. The results show that the colorized QR codes based on Gzip compression algorithm is an effective method for information embedding.
出处 《电子技术应用》 北大核心 2015年第12期116-119,128,共5页 Application of Electronic Technique
基金 广西自动检测技术与仪器重点实验室主任基金项目(YQ14102)
关键词 彩色QR码 数据容量 编码 条码识别 GZIP colorized QR code data capacity encoding barcode recognition Gzip compression algorithm
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