
大麻合法化对美国及国际社会的影响 被引量:17

Marijuana Legalization's Impact for the U. S and International Community
摘要 本世纪初以来,美国的大麻合法化运动迅速蔓延。截至2014年底,全美50个州中已有23个州和哥伦比亚特区颁行了大麻合法立法或完成了相关议案的选民公投,合法化取得了前所未有的成果。这一现象的出现是当今美国社会自由主义思潮盛行,地方经济财政陷入困境以及制度、司法等领域中矛盾冲突加深的产物。大麻合法化是对长期以来美国联邦政府推行的"禁麻"国策的重大突破,并将使全部毒品合法化成为可能,从而吞噬半个多世纪以来美国社会在禁毒问题上所取得的道德共识和法律成果。与此同时,它也将对全球禁毒努力造成重创。从目前种种新的发展迹象来看,美国的大麻合法化进程将难以逆转。联邦政府最终作出让步,国会对现存的"禁麻"立法作出修订,与主张解禁大麻的各州实现妥协,是解决目前美国社会围绕这一问题所进行的博弈的唯一出路。 Since the beginning of this century,the movement of marijuana legalization in the US spread quickly. By the end of 2014,In 50 states,23 states and the Washington D.C. issued the act of marijuana legalization or completed referendum related,the success is hitherto unknown. The occurrence of such a situation is a result of liberalism prevailed,local economy and finance are in trouble,conflict on political and judicial system deepen,etc. The marijuana legalization is a major breakthrough on anti drug policy which American government insisted for a long time,and it will enable legalize all drugs become possible,meanwhile it will devour moral consensus and legal achievement reached in drug control issues in the US over the half past century,moreover,it will also cause a heavy losses to the global drug control efforts.Judging from the current situation,the process of marijuana legalization will be difficult to reverse. The federal government eventually make concessions, the Congress amended the existing act of"ban marijuana",and reach a compromise with the states which call for legalization marijuana is the only way to solve the problem.
作者 高英东
出处 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期138-151,共14页 Hebei Law Science
关键词 大麻合法化 毒品滥用 禁毒政策 美国社会问题 国际禁毒 marijuana legalization drug abuse drug control policy america social issues international drug control
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