
中国8个省(自治区)不同数据来源脊髓灰质炎疫苗常规免疫接种数据比较分析 被引量:4

Comparison of Poliomyelitis Vaccine Routine Immunization Data from Different Sources in 8 Provinces ( Municipalities) in China
摘要 目的通过比较来源于国家免疫规划疫苗常规免疫接种(常规接种)报表和来源于儿童预防接种信息管理系统(Children Immunization Information Management System,CIIMS)的脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)疫苗(Poliomyelitis Vaccine,PV)常规接种数据,为评价PV接种率、估算疫苗相关麻痹型脊灰(Vaccine-associated Paralytic Poliomyelitis,VAPP)发生率提供基础数据。方法设计"PV使用调查表",调查河北、江苏、山东、河南、湖北、广东、广西、四川8个省(自治区,下同),2013年来源于统计局和预防接种登记的出生儿童数、2012年10月-2014年3月来源于常规接种报表和CIIMS的PV接种数,比较统计局和预防接种登记的出生儿童数的差异、来源于常规接种报表和CIIMS的PV常规接种第1剂(The First Dose,PV1)与出生人口的差异,以及两种来源的PV常规接种各剂次接种数的差异。结果 (1)各省来源于预防接种登记和统计局出生人口数的差异在-9.8%-66.1%,差异较大的省有江苏、河南、广东。河北、河南、湖北、广东、广西、江苏预防接种登记出生儿童数多于统计局出生儿童数,山东、四川预防接种登记出生儿童数少于统计局出生儿童数。(2)用PV第4剂(The Fourth Dose,PV4)接种数与PV第2剂(The Second Dose,PV2)、PV第3剂(The Third Dose,PV3)比较发现,除河南、四川省外,其余6个省来源于常规接种报表的PV4接种数均少于PV1、PV2、PV3接种数;除湖北省外,其余7个省来源于CIIMS的PV4接种数均少于第PV1、PV2、PV3接种数。(3)6个省来源于常规接种报表、CIIMS的PV1接种数多于统计局和预防接种登记出生儿童数。通过比较CIIMS和常规接种报表PV各剂次接种数发现,PV1、PV2接种数CIIMS与常规接种报表的差异分别是8.97%和3.41%,而PV3、PV4接种数CIIMS少于常规接种报表,差异分别是-0.17%和-15.18%。结论无论来源于常规接种报表和来源于CIIMS的接种数据,都需要根据接种率报告、接种率监测和接种率调查,并结合出生人口对数据的可靠性做出综合评价。但CIIMS的优点是可以分剂次、分剂型统计出口服脊灰减毒活疫苗(Oral Poliomyelitis Attenuated Live Vaccine,OPV)和灭活脊灰病毒疫苗的接种数,可利用CIIMS的OPV接种数对VAPP发生率进行估算。 Objective To provide basic data and estimate the incidence of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis( VAPP) by assessing oral poliomyelitis attenuated live vaccine( OPV) vaccination rate and comparing birth population data,OPV routine immunization data from the routine immunization report of National Immunization Program( NIP) vaccines and the Children Immunization Information Management System( CIIMS). Methods A questionnaire on poliomyelitis vaccination was designed. Respondents included 8 provinces( municipalities) including Hebei,Jiangsu,Shandong,Henan,Hubei,Guangdong,Guangxi and Sichuan. Topics included the birth population in 2013 from Statistical Bureau and Vaccination Registration, poliomyelitis vaccine doses administered data from routine immunization reports and CIIMS from October 2012 to March2014. We determined the birth population fromStatistical Bureau and Vaccination Registrationbirth population and the number of 1st doses ofpoliomyelitis vaccine from the routine immunization report and CIIMS. The number of each dose of poliomyelitis vaccineadministered came from two data sources. Results( 1) The difference of birth population from Statistical Bureau and Vaccination Registration varied from- 9. 8% to 66. 1% in 8 provinces,among which were Jiangsu,Henan,and Guangdong. In Hebei,Henan,Hubei,Guangdong,Guangxi,and Jiangsuthere were larger differences,as the birth populations determined from Vaccination Registration data were higher than that determined from the Statistical Bureau,while the registration data-determined rate was lower in Shandong and Sichuan.( 2) The number of children that had received the 4st dose was lower than that of children who received the 1^st,2^nd,and 3^rd dose from routine immunization reports in all provinces except Henan and Sichuan,and from CIIMS in all provinces except Hubei.( 3) The number of receiving the 1^st dose according to routine immunization reports and CIIMS were higher than the birth population from Statistical Bureau and Vaccination Registration. The number of the 1^st and 2^nd doses from routine immunization reportswere higher than that from CIIMS,with differences of 8. 97% and 3. 30%,respectively. For the 3^rd and 4^th doses,the differences were- 0. 17% and- 17. 89%,respectively.Conclusions Regardless of whether immunization data were from routine immunization reportsor CIIMS,it was necessary to use immunization reports and immunization investigations,combined with reliable birth population data sources,to draw valid conclusions. However,an advantage of CIIMS is that is can count the number of OPV and inactivated poliovirus vaccinedoses by dose and formulation,making is possible to use the number of OPV doses from CIIMS to estimate incidence rates of VAPP.
出处 《中国疫苗和免疫》 北大核心 2015年第4期400-404,共5页 Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization
关键词 脊髓灰质炎疫苗 常规免疫接种 接种数 分析 Poliomyelitis vaccine Routine immunization Vaccination number Assessment
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