目的:建立对氨曲南中高分子聚合物分析方法。方法:采用高效分子排阻法(HPSEC)对氨曲南中高分子聚合物的含量进行测定和方法学验证;色谱柱:Sepax SRT SEC-100(7.8mm×300mm,5μm),流动相:p H7.0的磷酸盐缓冲液-乙腈(95∶5)检测波长:254nm,流速约0.5m L/min,进样:20μL,自身对照外标法定量。结果:采用该方法测定3批注射用氨曲南中的聚合物,均小于0.2%。结论:该方法能够较好地分离氨曲南中聚合物,可用于注射用氨曲南中聚合物的检验。
Objective:To establish a Analysis method for the determination of the polymers in aztreonam. Methods:The analysis was earried out using HPSEC method for determination of the polymer in aztreonam and the analysis method was validated. Conditions: Column: Sepax SRT SEC-100(7.8mm×300mm,5μm),The composition of mobile phase was phosphate buffer (pH7.0)and acetonitrile (95:5). Detection wavelength was 254nm and the flow rate was 0.SmL/min. The injection volumn for test was 20μL and the result was calculated by external standard method. Results:Using this method, the polymer in aztreonam for injection of 3 Batches were all lower than 0.2%. Conclusions:The polymers can be completely separated from aztreonam. The method was reliable and applicable for the determination of the polymers of aztreonam.
Journal of North Pharmacy