哈尔滨中央大街是一条集商业、文化、旅游、社会公众活动等多种功能于一体的标志性街道。内容丰富多彩、形式灵活多样的各类文化、公众活动构成了中央大街颇具特色的人文景观。以中央大街为载体开展的各类活动 ,充分体现了“以商养文 ,文商互补”的特点 ,取得了良好的社会功能和社会效果 ,反映了市场经济条件下 ,文化活动和商业活动相互促进的基本规律。
Centeral Street is a symbolical street in Harbin, which has many functions highlighting commercial, cultural, tourist and public activities. These peculior cultural and public activities involoving substantial and colorful contents aswellas flexible and varied form have made the street a amous humane landscape of Harbin. All the activities have shown the characteristics of the co-improvement of commerce and culture which broupht good social and functions. This reflects the basic law that cultural activities and responses commercial activities help each other forward in the context of socialist market economy.
Commercial Research