
超声筛查与分级诊断新生儿脑室周围—脑室内出血的应用价值 被引量:1

The feasibility of detecting neonatal periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage using ultrasonography
摘要 目的探讨颅脑超声半定量诊断新生儿脑室周围—脑室内出血(PIVH)程度的可行性。方法2012年6月~2012年12月期间,本院355例新生儿于出生后1~7 d使用Mindray M7彩色便携超声仪,高频凸阵PT-3S探头进行颅脑超声检查。如有颅内结构回声异常的患儿,每3~7 d超声随访观察。结果 355例新生儿,其中早产儿183例、足月儿172例。发生PIVH的高危因素包括早产儿、低体重儿、多胎儿、新生儿围产期窒息缺氧病史;其中早产儿183例,低体重儿104例,多胎儿27例,具有围产期窒息缺氧病史患儿128例。颅脑超声检查出新生儿PIVH 75例,其中PIVHⅠ度43例,Ⅱ度24例(其中Ⅱ度+6例;Ⅱ度–18例),Ⅲ度7例,Ⅳ度1例。结论床旁颅脑超声作为半定量诊断新生儿PIVH的检查手段,可为临床采取及时有效的治疗措施提供客观依据。 Objective To investigate the feasibility of semi-quantitatively evaluating the neonatal cranial periventricular/intraventricular hemorrhage using ultrasonography. Methods Between June 2012-December 2012, 355 cases of neonates at the age of 1 to 7 days were scanned by cranial ultrasound probe. If there were abnormalities detecteddetected, follow-up ultrasonography were performed every 3-7 days. Results In the 355 cases there were 183 preterm neonates and 172 cases full-term neonates. PIVH high risk factors include Preterm, low birth weight, multiple birth, neonatal history of perinatal asphyxia. In the 183 preterm neonates, there were 104 low birth weight neonates, 27 multiple birth, 128 neonates with a history of perinatal asphyxia. 75 cases of neonatal PIVH were detected, including 43 degree Ⅰ PIVH, 24 degree Ⅱ PIVH(including 6 Ⅱ degree and 18 Ⅱ degree –), 7 degree Ⅲ PIVH, 1 degree Ⅳ PIVH 1. Conclusions Cranial ultrasonography can be used for semi-quantitative diagnosis of neonatal PIVH for inspection.
出处 《功能与分子医学影像学(电子版)》 2015年第3期32-35,共4页 Functional and Molecular Medical Imaging(Electronic Edition)
关键词 超声诊断 新生儿 脑室周围—脑室内出血 ultrasound diagnosis neonatal periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage
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