针对目前移动端的差旅预定系统发展不够成熟以及开发成本较高的问题,借助于微信的普及,利用微信的高级接口,采用think PHP框架并结合Wamp Server集成环境,设计开发了基于移动平台的差旅预定系统。详述了微信差旅预定系统的体系结构、功能模块和关键技术。该系统不受平台限制,既适合个人用户也适合企业用户,在时效性和便捷性上可以满足客户需求,改善用户体验。
Considering the immaturity and high costs of travel reservation system development on the mobile platform, using the advanced interface to WeChat, the thinkPHP framework and the WampServer integrated environment, a new travel reservation system on the mobile platform is developed. The paper describes the architecture, function modules and key technologies of the system in detail. The system is not restricted by the platform; suitable both for individual users and business users, on the timeliness and convenience can meet user's needs, improve the user experience.
Computer Era