
论专利不实施及其应对 被引量:2

On Patent Non-use and Its Amelioration
摘要 实施专利是专利制度的内在要求,也是创新的基本规定,但因专利技术本身不具有商业可行性以及专利权人故意或懈怠等原因,实践中大量专利并没有实施。将专利付诸实施是早期专利保护实践中权利获得或维持的必要条件,但在整个20世纪中,随着专利政策的改变以及由此而来的专利私权观念的加强,专利是否实施与专利保护之间几乎没有关系。在专利权数量剧增、专利诉讼由消极防御转向积极进攻以及生产的技术化程度不断提高的背景下,大量专利不实施既造成了资源浪费,也与专利制度促进创新的宗旨相悖。为此,应通过改造强制许可程序、鼓励专利经营实体发展、还原专利申请和维持的市场结构等多种措施,促进专利实施。 Taking patent into practice is the internal requirement of patent system and the fundamental nature of innovation as well. While in practice, many causes like the technology underlying patent right may not be commercially viable and stra- tegic arrangement or simply indifference of patent owner, numerous patents are not carried out. Putting patent into practice is the necessary requisite to acquire or maintain patent right in early patent protection realities. But in the whole 20th centu- ry, foUowing the alteration of patent policy and the strengthening of perceiving patent as private fight therefrom, whether pa- tent in use or not nearly has no influence on patent protection. In the context of the explosion of patent quantity, patent liti- gation is changing from negative defense to active attack, and the continuous increase of the technological extent in produc- tion, numerous patent remain on the paper would cause resource waste and conflict with the aim of patent system which is promoting innovation. So we should stimulate patent in use by adopting multiple measures such as reshaping the procedure of compulsory license, encouraging the development of patent operating entity and restituting the market structure of patent ap- plication and preservation.
作者 贾小龙
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第23期155-162,共8页 Science and Technology Management Research
关键词 专利 不实施 私权 对策 patent non - use private right countermeasure
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