随着计算机应用系统开发技术的迅猛发展,J2EE平台上的开发技术为了能够适应这一行业发展的需要,在技术上不断的推陈出新。技术的日渐成熟,可能将会引领J2EE开发技术走向一个新的阶段。Spring框架就是以简化Java EE应用程序的开发为目标而创建的,因为Spring是一个模块化的框架,所以本文将从Spring的核心、Spring应用程序的核心组件两个方面进行介绍。
With the rapid development of systems technology of computer application,Development of technology in order to meet the needs of the development of this industry is constantly updated on J2EE platform. Mature technology will probably lead the J2EE technology to develop a new stage. Spring framework is created to simplify the development of Java EE applications. Spring is a modular framework,so the paper from Spring core and Spring core components of the application will be introduced in two ways.
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