作为可持续发展领导使命的重要组成部分,宝马集团对其产品一贯引入了新的、高效的、低排放和零排放的动力系统。随着新的插电式混合动力驱动在宝马2系Active Tourer e Drive(图1)中的使用,一种创新的动力传动结构将被引入。它将来自宝马孪生的动力涡轮发动机施工装备采用1.5L 3缸的内燃机前轮驱动以及后轴上宝马e Drive 6速自动变速器结合了起来。这种组合理想地将电力驱动的优点连接到典型的内燃机上,
The technology of high efficient charger hybrid power drive system of new BMW series 2 Active Tourer e Drive has shown the high agility of BMW e Drive, which is also the first charger hybrid drive car from BMW. The technology of BMW e Drive was applied in BMW i car in the beginning, and provided an extraordinary degree of freedom(DOF), which made it to widely use in concept range and field of automobile. Together with continuous development of double drive turbocharger technology of internal combustion engine, these concepts will help BMW Group get ready to challenge in future.
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