

On St. Augustine's Trinitarianism: Focusing on the Trinity
摘要 奥古斯丁三一论的核心为圣父、圣子和圣灵是独一上帝的三个位格。为了说明这一点,他从位格与三一类比两方面构筑起自己的理论体系。在位格方面,他认为圣父、圣子和圣灵三位格是就关系来说的,他们之间具有绝对的平等性;在三一类比方面,他指出上帝自身、一般受造物和人类身上存在着三一结构,并以此证明受造物所存在的三一结构和形象实际上也是出自于三位一体上帝。事实上,不管奥古斯丁运用逻辑思维将三一论塑造得如何紧凑,它仍然是人类思维的产物,人类仍旧有认识它的可能。 The core of St. Augustine's Trinitarianism is that the Father,the Son and the Holy Spirit is the unique God divine persons,which maintained a high degree of consistency in God's own. To illustrate this point,he from two aspects of the person and the trinitarian analogue to build his own theoretical system. To the person, he claimed three person is in terms of the relationship, and they have absolute equality. To the trinitarian analogue, he pointed out that the God's own, generally creatures and human beings all contain the structure of the trinity and the image of the trinity, and proved that the God had given those structures and images to all the creatures. Anyway, St. Augustine trinitarianism still is the product of human mind, and human beings still have the possibility to comprehend it.
作者 黄有年
出处 《延安大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第6期109-115,共7页 Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 位格 三一论 奥古斯丁 三一类比 论三位一体 person Trinitarianism St. Augustine Trinitarian Analogue The Trinity
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  • 1Tertullian, Against Praxeas, 2.
  • 2Origen, De Oratione 15, P. Koetsehau (ed.). Ⅱ (Leipzig:Hinrichs, 1899. ).
  • 3Origen, De Johanneskommentar, 2. 10 (6) (GC.S 10: 64.32-65. 10, 15-21).
  • 4Jon F Deehow, Dogma and.Mysticism in Early Christianity: Epiphanius of Cyprus and Legacy of Origen (Macon: Mercer University Press, 1988),p. 289.
  • 5Socrates & Sozomenius, Ecclesiastical History, I. 8.
  • 6Thomas F Torrance, The Christian Doctrine of God, One Being Three Persons (Edinburgh: T& T Clark, 1996), p.131.
  • 7Athanasius, De Synodis 22, see in Philip Schaff and Henry Wace (eds.), A Select Library of Nicene and Post - Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, Vol. Ⅳ, (Edinburgh: WM B Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1980).
  • 8F L Cross (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of the Christain Church, "Marcellus" 条目 , (Oxford: Oxford Uni-versity Press), 1997.
  • 9Marcelus,frg. 65.
  • 10Joseph T Lienhard, "The Cappadoeian Setdement", see in Stephen T. Davis, Daniel Kendall, and Gerald O' Collins (eds.), The Trinity: An Interpretation Symposium On the Trinity (Oxford: Oxford University.









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