

On the Attributes of Mode
摘要 多模态语篇研究是当前语篇研究的一个热点,模态是多模态研究中的一个基础性概念,本文对模态的属性进行了分析。模态具有社会文化属性,其产生源于一定的社会需求,其在交际中的使用受社会文化因素的影响。另外模态还具有物质载体、表意功能和语法等属性。本文的分析有助于推动多模态语篇研究的进展。 Multimodal text study is one of the foci of present discourse studies. This paper analyzes the attributes of the mode which is one basic concept for multimodal studies. A mode has social and cultural attributes. It originates out of social needs,and its use in communication is influenced by social factors. Besides,a mode also has the following attributes: it has a material carrier,can convey meanings and possesses a grammar. The analysis in this paper can contribute to the development of multimodal discourse studies.
作者 杨增成
出处 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2015年第10期17-20,共4页 Journal of Nanyang Normal University
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(10YJC740122)
关键词 模态 社会文化属性 物质载体 意义 语法 mode social and cultural attributes material carrier meaning grammar
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