
携程网与去哪儿网的商业模式比较研究 被引量:5

A Comparative Study of Business Models of Qunar and Ctrip
摘要 通过对携程网和去哪儿网商业模式4个要素的异同点的讨论,发现携程网和去哪儿网业务系统的区别,这种区别是由两者的收入来源不同所导致,携程网的收入与顾客、旅游商品提供商的实际交易额有关("会员模式"),而去哪儿网的收入则来自于点击率等广告收入("流量模式"),两者都是以顾客价值主张为核心,通过业务系统来创造利润和锁定利润。谁为顾客提供的价值更大,谁就更具竞争优势。 Through analyzing and comparing the same points and different points of the four elements of the business model of Qunar and Ctrip,are discussed,we found that Qunar and Ctrip are different in operation system,which is caused by the different income source. The revenue of Ctrip is related to the actual transaction volume of customers and tourism commodity providers( "member mode"),but the revenue of Qunar comes from the click rate and other advertising revenue( "traffic mode"). Ctrip and Qunar take the customer value proposition as the core,using the business system to create profits and profit margins. Who provides customers with more value has more competitive advantage.
作者 宋婷婷
机构地区 郑州大学商学院
出处 《常州工学院学报》 2015年第5期60-65,共6页 Journal of Changzhou Institute of Technology
关键词 商业模式 去哪儿网 携程网 顾客价值 business model Qunar Ctrip customer value
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