

On Relations between Old Elam and Mesopotamia
摘要 历史上的埃兰古王国同两河流域地区自始至终有着密切的联系。在近千年的历史中,他们既斗争又合作,但合作是短暂的,斗争是主调。这反映了在人类社会早期阶段,西亚城邦、部落或国家之间为争夺土地、资源、贸易路线或为争霸等原因互相斗争的普遍规律。埃兰有丰富的木材和矿产资源,这正是美索不达米亚所缺乏的;而两河流域先进的文化和肥沃的土地同样吸引着埃兰古王国,因此他们经常为了争夺彼此的财富而互相斗争。埃兰古王国同两河流域的接触与交流,使早期伊朗文明烙上了美索不达米亚文明的痕迹,并传至波斯。 The old Elam was characterized with closed relations to Mesopotamia. Comparing the history of nearly one thousands of old Elam with Mesopotamia, we find that they were often in conflicts with each other, and they also cooperated sometimes, but their cooperation was temporary at all, and on the contrary the conflicts was more often, which reflects the rules that the city-states in early human history liked to fight for lands, resources and trade routes. The rich natural resources such as timber and mineral products owned by Elam were just what Mesopotamia lacked, and in turn old Elam was attracted by the advanced culture or fertile land in Mesopotamia, so they always struggled for each side' s fortunes in war or hegemony. Consequently, the old Elam lost its independence in the process of wars with Mesopotamia. The communication between the two sides made the early Iranian civilization branded with the characteristics of Mesopotamia civilization, and as far as to the Persian.
作者 亓佩成
出处 《肇庆学院学报》 2015年第6期56-62,71,共8页 Journal of Zhaoqing University
关键词 埃兰古王国 苏美尔-阿卡德 两河流域 国际关系 the old Elam Sumer Akkad Mesopotamia International relations
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